Friday, October 3, 2008

ah, yes...the debate

like a good american, i watched the debate last night. dear god. i'm a registered democrat, but that doesn't mean they get my vote without working for it. i've been known to vote outside my party when i was displeased with the candidate within. this election, however...not so much.

a friend of mine told me that she was "grateful that Gov. Palin 'tolerates'" her, after watching this:

yeah...i think i'm grateful, too. but more so that i "chose" this a human being. isn't it great that civil rights are the same for whites and blacks and mexicans and chinese and russians and lebanese in america? just not for any of those people who share a bed and a life and love with a member of the same sex. i love the open-mindedness of a good american politician. oh no wait...

and i digress, for the good of the people:

much has been posted on the debate, so i'll just take a couple of my faves and share them with you:

Sarah, by all indications, a bonafide hooplehead -- so dangerously out of her depth and so delusional -- perhaps blinded by ambition -- that she is in total denial about the real-world ramifications of her ineptitude.

9:32 - Nico Pitney:A strange moment in the debate, where Sarah Palin refuses to answer if her ticket would have to pull back on some campaign promises in light of the financial crisis.
Ifill: "As Vice President, there's nothing you've promised as a candidate that you would take off the table because of this financial issue?" Palin: "There is not, and how long have I been at this? Like five weeks?"
10:14 - Jason Linkins: Palin follows the needle-scratch-on-the-record riposte "Say it ain't so, Joe, there ya go again" (TWO CLICHES for the price of ONE!) with a promise that Biden's wife will be rewarded in Heaven for being a teacher. This made me ALL KINDS OF UNCOMFORTABLE
10:17 - Jason Linkins: Palin seems to think that the Constitution allows the Vice President to "flex" between the Executive and the Legislative Branch! GAFFE.

9:06 - Palin compares the economic meltdown to a kids’ soccer game. I have no words.
9:20 - Biden calls John McCain’s health care plan the “Ultimate Bridge to Nowhere.” Oh… snap!
9:47 - Palin says “nu-ku-lar.” Do Republicans purposely mispronounce “nuclear” to identify themselves to each other?
9:53 - Biden is alternately cross-eyed and wall-eyed. Palin shamelessly humps Israel’s leg. Then Joe Biden humps Israel’s other leg. Israel needs to get some baby wipes and wipe its legs.
10:22 - Palin says that McCain is a “maverick.” Again, and again, and again! Because if you say the word “maverick” enough, it will get him votes! Biden says the word “maverick” repeatedly as well, saying that John McCain is not a maverick. If anyone out there is playing a drinking game based on the amount of times the candidates say the word “maverick” you better call 911. With a quickness.

Oh, the "pitbull" is back. And she and John McCain are still wrong for the country.

Palin's answers in this debate vacillated between disappointing and incoherent. On the most pressing issue facing Americans this week -- the economy -- she had surprisingly little to offer. She repeated the McCain tax cut plan and health care plan.

On Iraq, she was just incoherent. She said something about the surge and Obama and fighting. But it didn't answer the question, which was: What is the right plan for Iraq?

truly, truly a great debate. i have to admit that i and my party were one of the many culprits of debate drinking games. had we started from the beginning and had strict rules, we surely would have needed ambulance assistance. three beers were drunk during my short participation of "drink every time she says a palinism": maverick, alaska, ya (vs. you), words that should end in "ing", foreign policy, references to hockey or moms (or as it turned out, soccer in comparing the economic crisis), etc. and that was only the last half hour. 

ah, yes. good times, indeed.


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